PhD Program

Doctor of Philosophy in Computing

跨学科的计算机哲学博士学位整合了课程 以及来自三个相关学科的研究项目:计算机科学、信息学 systems, and information technology. The program emphasizes advanced discovery and 为网络安全领域的研究重点问题提供解决方案; risk assessment, forensics, and data analytics. Ph.D. graduates are eligible for research positions in academia, industry, and government.

The Ph.D. 学位授予表现出指挥能力的候选人 原创性的研究,对计算机领域的知识做出了有意义的贡献 discipline, and have successfully defended a dissertation.

要申请计算机博士学位课程,请访问十大彩票网投平台 Alabama (美国)研究生院 website. 申请最初由研究生院审查,然后转发 to the 计算机学院 for additional review.

除了美国研究生院的一般入学要求外,录取 requirements for the Computing Ph.D. program are:

  • 表明学生个人目标和研究兴趣的目的陈述. 因为未来的学生与教师导师相匹配,竞争激烈的申请 与计算机学院研究生的研究领域保持一致.
  • 由能够直接与申请人沟通的人提供的三封推荐信 能够从事先进的发现和贡献新知识的学科. 
  • 个人简历.
  • An official transcript from each college or university attended.
  • 计算机科学,信息系统,信息专业本科或研究生学历 Technology or a closely related field. A graduate degree is not required for admission.
  • 平均成绩不低于3分.3 (4.0 scale) for all completed post-secondary coursework or a 3.5 overall (4.0 scale) for a completed graduate program.
  • 研究生入学考试(GRE)的官方成绩,包括AW部分. 申请人的最高学位是认可机构的研究生学位 高等教育的学生不需要提供GRE成绩,因为这些申请人 是否有资格根据他们以前的研究生工作获得正式录取.
  • 对于国际学生,官方的托福,雅思,ITEP或PET成绩. See the 研究生院政策:
  • A completed application for admission to the 研究生院.

研究生院院长在提供一份证明文件的情况下,可以批准入学 经研究生院表决,在特殊情况下对其进行整体评价 applicant’s credentials is appropriate.

入学是竞争性的,决定是基于对所有提交的入学申请的审查 materials. A personal interview may be requested. Applicants are encouraged to submitted 前期工作样本. All admissions materials should submitted online.


获得博士学位的资格.D. in Computing, a minimum of 72 semester hours of approved 研究生学分是必需的,下面的学习计划必须完成 a grade of “B” or better in all course work.


课程数量  Credit Hours
CSC 612 网络安全 3
CSC 626 分析大数据的工具 3
ISC 629 计算生态系统 3
ISC 673 Digital Investigations - Theory and Practice 3
ISC 675 Advanced Topics in 信息系统 3
ISC 686 Advanced Topics in Risk Analysis 3


学生将完成24个学时的500级或更高级别的研究生课程. A maximum of 6 semester hours of CIS 694  CIS 694 定向学习可以计入选修课程的要求.


A primary educational objective of the Ph.D. program is for students to develop the 能够进行先进的研究并为本学科贡献新知识. To that end, the student will complete 30 hours of CIS 799 Dissertation.


Student must maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA in order to be in good standing. Failure 保持累积的.0 GPA will result in the student being placed on academic probation. 


组成18小时必修课程的6门课程目前正在进行中 offered in the High Flex format. This format allows students to choose whether to 在教室里与教授面对面或同步地参加课程, as scheduled, online remotely via Zoom.  This option will allow students who have a master’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution in a computing discipline 当他们注册攻读博士学位时.D. program to complete the program remotely, if desired, as our dissertation hours are offered as directed study hours.


数量有限的研究生助教奖学金是在竞争的基础上提供的 are awarded on the recommendation of the 计算机学院. 应用程序可用 on-line at: 申请必须在4月1日或11月1日之前收到 春天的申请人.


Doctoral students must pass a comprehensive examination. 考试的形式 will be determined by the comprehensive examination committee. 通常情况下 is based on the required coursework. Failure to pass the comprehensive examination within two attempts will result in dismissal from the program.



博士研究生在成功完成一个综合的 examination. Candidacy indicates the student has completed the required coursework and is eligible to begin the dissertation research project.


Doctoral candidacy is required to enroll in CIS 799 Dissertation. 由研究生项目主任决定,定向学习 构成论文研究的初步准备的学分可以代替 for CIS 799

博士候选人必须成功地为论文简介辩护. The final 论文的口头答辩安排在论文研究完成后 completed and prepared in written form. Revisions to the written dissertation may 被要求由论文委员会的最终批准,并作为一个结果 研究生院的审查. Students are required to be enrolled in at least one semester hour of CIS 799 during the semester of their defense.


在认可的研究生院获得最多24个学期的研究生学分 可以算进Ph.D. program. Transfer credit may be approved after the 在十大彩票网投平台修满九(9)个学分. 转学分必须由计算机学院研究生项目主任批准 和美国研究生院院长,并由学生导师推荐.

Time Limit

计算机博士学位的所有要求必须在十(10)年内完成。 自入学之日起历年为计算机学院博士研究生. 这10个日历年的限制也适用于所有转移学分.
