


Office of 学生会计 Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

付款 截止日期:8月 16, 2023

学生 must pay all semester charges by August 16, 2023 to retain their schedule. 可通过现金、支票、汇票、ACH网络支票、Visa、MasterCard、 American Express or Discover 卡. Financial aid awarded to a student's account, enrollment 在大学付款计划中或在美国信用合作社注册学费支付 该计划也适用于支付学期的学费和费用,包括住房 和饮食. Payments can be processed at the Office of 学生会计 or online (爪子).

如果学生错过了这个截止日期,他们的计划被取消,他们将被给予 AN OPPORTUNITY TO RE-REGISTER FOR CLASSES. 但是,如果学生的课程表被取消,则不能保证他们的首选 classes will remain available.

A late registration and re-registration period will be from 8月22日nd – 28th. A $100 late registration fee will be assessed. 学生 registering or adding courses 在此期间必须支付学杂费,包括住宿费和餐费计划 到2023年8月28日. Un支付 registrations will subject to cancellation on August 29, 2023. THERE WILL BE NO REINSTATEMENT PERIOD.

  • ACH Web checks are accepted online on 爪子.
  • Checks should be made payable to: University of 南 Alabama.
  • 总是 write student number on checks.
  • VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discover are accepted for fee payment. 如果一个 收到信用卡付款后,学生有资格获得任何退款 他们的账户,退款将不超过原来的信用卡退回 金额收取. 没有例外. PIN Debit 卡 transactions processed at the point 在学生会计处或房屋处出售的所有费用将通过 check or electronic direct 存款.
  • Mailed payments must be received by the Payment Deadlines.
  • 学生的名字将不会出现在教师的班级花名册上,如果所有费用都没有出现 支付.



  • A student who withdraws from one or more courses will be granted a refund. 退款 period is the first two weeks of the semester and refunds are made as shown below.

    撤军日期 学费的百分比 & 费用退还
    8月22日nd - 8月29日th 100%
    8月30日th -九月四日th 50%
  • 对于完全退出,其他费用也按比例退还,除非 those listed as non-refundable. The actual dates for withdrawals are shown in the 大学的日历.
  • 在退课的最后一天之后,学生可以退学 if medical reasons can be documented.
  • 申请费和注册费(包括逾期注册或逾期缴费) fees) are non-refundable fees.
  • 在学期内被要求服兵役的学生应向办公室咨询 of 学生会计 regarding refunds of fees.
  • 任何以信用卡支付的学费退款将退还给信用卡 卡.  PIN Debit 卡 transactions processed at the point of sale at the Office of 学生会计或宿舍办公室将以支票或电子方式直接退款 存款.
  • 住房 and meal plan refund policy.
    • 在公布的宿舍开放后的前四十五(45)个日历日内 每个学期的日期,住宿和餐饮(不包括奖金)将根据比例支付 on the date the student properly checks-out. No adjustment will be made thereafter. Proper check-out procedures can be reviewed on the 房地产网站.
    • The break housing rate will be charged for periods between semesters. 奖金使用 will be charged through the third week of classes. Bonus Bucks will be charged in 第三周的课满后,将可使用到期末 春季学期. A contract cancellation fee will be charged when applicable.

Return of Federal 金融援助 Refunds

根据联邦规定,当一名学生完全退学时, 联邦财政援助拨款或贷款资金的一部分,联邦勤工俭学除外 earnings, must be 返回 to the applicable federal program (s). 如果是联邦援助 recipient completely withdraws from school after beginning attendance, the amount 学生获得的联邦资助的多少必须根据天数来确定 the student attended in the given term. If the amount disbursed to the student is 大于学生挣得的金额,非挣得的联邦援助资金必须是 返回. Federal aid funds will be 返回 in the following order:

  • Unsubsidized Direct 工作人员ord loans (other than PLUS loans)
  • Subsidized Direct 工作人员ord loans
  • Federal Perkins loans
  • 直接PLUS贷款
  • 联邦佩尔助学金
  • 联邦SEOG
  • 联邦教育补助金
  • Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

注意:如果你的第四项财政援助要求的回报大于公布的大学 在退费时退款,你将欠大学的差额. The Office of 学生会计 will notify you of the amount due.

如果一个学生在完成60%的学期后完全退学,那么就被假设 that the student has earned 100% of their federal aid award, and no funds will be 返回 to the federal programs.

Return of Department of Defense 学费援助 Funds

根据国防部的谅解备忘录(MOU),该协议将于下周生效 如果学生退学,大学需要将未赚的资金退还给该计划 from a course 支付 for by Department of Defense funds (tuition assistance), based on the following schedules:


5- Week Course Withdrawal

Day 21 40% return (60% of course is completed)
Day 22 0%回报

8- Week Course Withdrawal
Before or during week 1       100 % return
During week 2                         75% return
During weeks 3-4                     50% return
During week 5                           40% return
                                                 (which is 60% of course is completed)
During weeks 6-8                        0% return



16-week Course Withdrawal
Before or during weeks 1-2      100% return
During weeks 3-4                        75% return
During weeks 5-8                        50% return
During weeks 9-10                       40% return
                                                    (60% of course is completed)
During weeks 11-16                       0% return


从银行退回学费支票的学生可能会被行政撤回 来自大学. These students will still be responsible for any charges deemed necessary by the University.


如果学生的大学帐户有任何性质的未偿余额,包括 部门罚款和大学拥有应付给 学生(从申请到学生账户的付款或学分,工资支票, 和/或任何其他来源,联邦财政援助奖除外),大学储备金 有权扣留必要的资金,以清除学生的未偿余额 and to cover any collection costs incurred. Once those amounts are 支付, any remaining funds are 支付 to the student.


如果学生的大学帐户有任何性质的未偿余额,包括 部门罚款和大学拥有应付给 学生(从申请到学生账户的付款或学分,工资支票, 和/或任何其他来源,联邦财政援助奖除外),大学储备金 有权扣留必要的资金,以清除学生的未偿余额 and to cover any collection costs incurred. Once those amounts are 支付, any remaining funds are 支付 to the student.

如果学生的账户上有任何性质的未付余额(包括 任何未付支票被银行退回,以下服务将被扣留,直到 the balance is 支付 in full:

  • Enrollment for subsequent terms
  • Transcripts, including any for transfer of college credits
  • 文凭

如果有必要将未付帐户转介给外部催收机构,任何 费用和催收费(高达债务的34%)将被加到学生的债务中 account, and the account will be reported to credit bureaus. If legal action is required to collect the account, attorney fees will be added to the amount due.


任何学费援助的通知应提交给学生会计办公室 prior to registration. Tuition assistance includes State VA and State Rehabilitation benefits, and other third-party assistance. After notification, the total amount due for tuition and fees will reflect any tuition assistance.

Out-of-State 学生 Taking USAonline Courses

同时参加USAonline和校内课程的学生需要支付额外的校内课程 fees including non-resident fees.


学生 who are eligible to receive educational assistance must check with the Office of Veterans 事务, Academic Support Center Room 1345, no later than August 16, 2023. No student will be certified to receive educational 在学生的日程安排与退伍军人办公室核实之前,从退伍军人事务部获得福利 事务. Any questions should be directed to the Veterans 事务 Specialist, (251) 460-6230.


金融援助 Refunds

如果你是通过经济援助(贷款、助学金、奖学金)来支付学费 you have met all financial aid eligibility requirements, your aid will be applied to your USA 比尔 on the first day of classes.

如果你到期了 financial aid refund 并及时注册“电子直接存款”,退款将以电子方式进行 存款ed to your checking account within 14 business days after being applied to 你的学生账户. Be sure and verify the 存款 at your bank before writing any checks against the refund.

如果您不参加电子直接存款,我们将邮寄一张退款支票 to your permanent home address within fourteen business days following the credit to your USA student account.

If you are a financial aid recipient and have a 由于平衡 to the University, the amount and payment deadline will appear on your electronic 比尔. Account information is available at http://paws.straightlads.net or at the Office of 学生会计, Room 1300, Meisler Hall.

Charging Privileges at 美国书店 (for 金融援助 Recipients Only)

如果学生获得了美国经济援助办公室的经济援助 在支付了所有学杂费、餐费和住宿费后,学生是否有多余的资金 may charge up to $1,500 (or the available balance, whichever is less) of books at 美国书店. The 书店 will have the available amount at checkout. 书店 费用将由学生的账户支付,由助学金支付. 书店 charges will run from July 24th - 8月30日th 2023.